Jerry Lebo, 2007
Well I finally took the plunge a couple of days ago and posted some paintings on Ebay. I had been thinking about trying Ebay to sell a couple of small paintings since I started this blog, but was planning to wait until the time was right--not really knowing when that would be. The impetus to actually try Ebay was an email they sent me which allowed new Ebay sellers to post up to three items with the insertion fees waived--which saves a bit of money. That was all it took--I jumped. So last weekend, I post a painting--and then two more later. I decided to set the price relatively low, $99 with a 14 day guarantee for refunds. This is around half to one-third of what I would offer these paintings in a gallery or to a private party--and around what I had been reading was a good starting point.
So what happened? Well, in a nutshell, it is four days into the auctions and I have received a total of no bids. Although, I can't say that I am not surprised. So let me take you through some ideas I have been having that might let you avoid the same fate and me--Ebay nowhereville.
The first thing I would recommend you do before you try to sell on Ebay is to do some research. There are a lot of articles on the internet about how to sell your paintings on Ebay. I think one of the most useful I read was an interview with Duane Keiser in USAToday and his subsequent interview on In both articles, the key message is that artist need to take responsibility for promoting and managing their own art careers. In that context, Duane recommends not selling on Ebay until you have amassed a certain interest in your art--otherwise you may have no bidders. Good advice, hard to take.
Anyway, I suspect these paintings are not going to sell for the same reason Duane cites--lack of interest. When only a dozen or so people view your auction--it is hard to garner interest.
I am not giving up and will continue to paint and look for new outlets. I have been painting for twenty years and have sold plenty of paintings--just not any on Ebay yet. I will keep you informed on my progress.
In the meantime, if you are interesting in getting a couple of small paintings at wholesale prices, check these out:
So what happened? Well, in a nutshell, it is four days into the auctions and I have received a total of no bids. Although, I can't say that I am not surprised. So let me take you through some ideas I have been having that might let you avoid the same fate and me--Ebay nowhereville.
The first thing I would recommend you do before you try to sell on Ebay is to do some research. There are a lot of articles on the internet about how to sell your paintings on Ebay. I think one of the most useful I read was an interview with Duane Keiser in USAToday and his subsequent interview on In both articles, the key message is that artist need to take responsibility for promoting and managing their own art careers. In that context, Duane recommends not selling on Ebay until you have amassed a certain interest in your art--otherwise you may have no bidders. Good advice, hard to take.
Anyway, I suspect these paintings are not going to sell for the same reason Duane cites--lack of interest. When only a dozen or so people view your auction--it is hard to garner interest.
I am not giving up and will continue to paint and look for new outlets. I have been painting for twenty years and have sold plenty of paintings--just not any on Ebay yet. I will keep you informed on my progress.
In the meantime, if you are interesting in getting a couple of small paintings at wholesale prices, check these out:
click here to bid
I love the brushwork and immediacy in the clouds! Amazing.
Thanks for your feedback Cindy. Clouds are one of my favorite things to paint. I will be posting another cloud study shortly, hope you enjoy.
if you're interested in selling online, Etsy is a much better venue than Ebay. It's NOT an auction site, it's much less to list and a smaller commission (20 cents and 2%), and it is a site of exclusively handmade items, with a fair number of artists. Give it a try! :)
I wondered about this. I have been considering doing Art Cards for this reason but have settled for commissioned work for the time being--I just won't have time for much else right now. I am hoping very much to get back into oils which I think feel more artistically true than watercolors--I work fast in watercolors and I always feel like I am just sketching something for an oil--even though my clients are happy with them. I have also thought about Etsy and have put prints of some of my items available at Zazzle and Artwanted. I figure at this point it is all advertising. I will be following along and seeing how you do with it.
Great paintings. I like the different style of brush strokes. You should probably try this new website Its a very new website, but might reach out to a larger segment because of the wide categories they have. Try listing ur paintings in this site.
All the best and keep up the great work
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